Tuesday, December 8, 2009
PD and Melaka trip with Frenzz...
a 2days 2nights trip,
Port Dickson not a famous beach compare with Pulau Redang's beach...
but this beach popular for local people.
because of Hari Raya Haji, we planned to go there.
why we choose that beach cos nearby and we want go Melaka XD
as u can see in the picture... banana boat...haiz
the first time i play banana boat haha,
fun but tired... juz 5 round then already tired..
nothing much can play in PD...
the next day we heading to Malacca,
when we reached 'raining', we back KL earlier because of 'raining' too.
we tried 'Chicken Rice Ball', first time makan, i tak suka makan haha.
then makan cendol, taste ok ok oni...
satay celup try next time haha...
we went to A' famosa, Dataran Pahlawan, and Carrefour for movie [ninja assasin]...
then after that we back to kepong makan buffet steamboat JUST RM21++ oni!!!
Labels: college, friendship, malacca, trip
Sunday, November 22, 2009
a creamy+flour+eggs+wet birthday party~
yach... haha but fun...
thz KC invite me to this birthday party,
this also the first time BBQ with my classmates.
and Waihong did good job in BBQ haha~
next time if he wan open a BBQ shop, i will be the first support he haha.
erm... happy birthday to KZ again, wish u happy happy and happy...
after BBQ then we start 'blowing water',
and opened server for MR.JJ... WAkakaka
that night was lot of fun...
saturday night,
thought this weekend will be a boring weekend.
but suprisingly i recieved a call from my frenz and ask me go yumcha.
then after he fetch me, then go fetch another fren...
wow, it been so long we din see each other.
then after 1 minute discussion we deicided having drinks at the curve.
thz for the drinks and tibits...haha
tonight will be the good night? i still dunno yet haha~
Labels: Birthday, friendship
Friday, November 20, 2009
very very tired...haha
tired because went for 2movies just now,
Astro boy and 2012.
Astro boy de story okok... can consider a funny 3D cartoon,
the 'trash can dog' very very cute!!!
the last time i watched astro i think around primary school bah~
cos my mum will bought for me and i will borrow from my frenz...
because of 2012, the theater for Astro Boy very very very small, and very very less peoples, and some 'kids' keep talking behind my row,
then i gave them a long 'Shh..shh...'
so after the movie we go makan lunch then continue our movie[2012]
got ppl giving bad comment for this movie because this movie will make us feel this is gonna happen in 2012. and ask all cinema boycott this movie and etc...
really dun understand why they do so? It just a MOVIE!!! and was a great movie...
after watched this movie the word 'HUMANITY' come in my mind,
as in this movie got many ppls sacrifice for others...
the scene in this movie very very real, especially the earthquake and land spliting....phew... i really 'stunned' on that part.
we nid to cherish what we got right now!!!
having good time with my frenz XD...
MOVIEs were the program for this week... and tomoro got another program haha~ busy busy semester. wahahhaa~
PD for next week, dunno can 'on' or not =='
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
MR. Big[大] Head[头] Prawn[虾]
this week really 'dai tou har'...
forgot bring kunci rumah,
forgot bring laptop de wayar.
maybe that morning to rush so lupa bawa many things.
lazy... this semester kinda lazy
lazy to do assignment,
lazy to do revision,
lazy to do this and that,
even makan also lazy go bungkus... haha
whatever, 7 weeks to go for this semester,
then we nid to take final exam again... si beh fast right? sweat=='
still got 2 assignment havent done yet, haiz~
Ahyim and hanyew +u !!!hahaha
next week go PD??? dunno will on or not...
this week feels wan go club...dunno will go or not...
before christmas want go makan turkey? dunno will cancel or not...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
wow... week5 finish edy, more 14-5= 9 weeks then final exam again~
damn fast wei~
i still remember wat hanyew wrote 'here comes my year 2' in the second week in year2 Sem 2 week 2...
hahaha, sure he will come 'give me a mark' me after he found this sentence on my post lolx..
in this psat few weeks, we got many programs =='
after we went to Sepang Gold Coast, the next week we celebrated 'JASON' KianSang's birthday...
then the next day we celebrated 'Halloween' party in Prince Hotel...
thz my fren invited me and my frenz...
then the following week because really boring after class then we went to Batu Caves...
this is the first time i went to Batu Caves.
Batu Caves big big big different compare that i imagine one =='
but nvm.. we still having lot of fun there.
where, what we'll do in the upcoming week??? stay turn...lolx
Labels: Batu Caves, Birthday, halloween
Monday, October 26, 2009
dunno u guys still remember i got a posted named 'big plan for myself'???
the 'big plan' is about a trip to oversea after i graduates but now this trip is gonna 'on' earlier XD. cos i had bought the ticket to Taipei.
after few months of decision making i decided backpacking in Taiwan as i want go makan taiwan local food... and because of the entertainment shows of taiwan make me feel want go taiwan travel lolx...,
then i start ask my friends who want go together, but no body want to go because the budget is not ok for them.
so, since no body want accompany with me, then i decided go myself.
i searching tons of information about backpacking in Taipei, and start plan for my trip but till now the plan still havent complete yet.
this is the first time i go so far from my country~
this is the first time i go other country alone~
so i feels very very nervous right now=='
then i found that air asia got promotion to Taiwan, all the fees including the luggage just about RM621.
so i decided to buy the tickets.
2 FEB 2010 the day i fly
9 FEB 2010 the day i back
8days 7nights in Taiwan~ God please help me during the trip!
then 13 FEB 2010 i will be in Penang i think because of Chinese New Year~ hope i have lot of fun during the holidays XD~
start from now i nid save a lot of money liao~
who else want to join/help me can contact me ~^^~
my phone num 0146209122
because i do the plan myself who got experienced in taiwan please help me~
Taiwan, here i come Xp!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
thought that day will go Rawang waterfall with my classmates, but because of some problem, we changed our minds and canceled the trip.
so, our ‘大鬼头’ Mr. JJ decided to go Sepang Gold Coast's beach, then we skipped our afternoon class and went to the beach.
not many ppl went with us, the participants Mr.JJ, Sky, Yim, Liz and me ...
although not much ppl, but we still enjoyed the trip...
and because of Sky we been K.L.I.A. for 5minutes lolx~
erm... what we played on the sea side? watch the video then u'll know...
erm... then we had our dinner Kepong...
for more information kindly contact me or Mr.JJ, Sky, Yim, or Liz XD
enjoy the video ^^
Labels: friendship, gold coast, Sepang
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
yeah result released... thanks God
as i satisfied with my result,
no so good but clear all my papers was my birthday wish XD.
dream come true right? hahaha
i was the first one checked result in our gang[revision group]
so after i checked my result, the evil 'MR. JJ' said 无天理! =='
very bad, evil hahaha~
lecture ended... then we rush to Wangsa T-bun check results...
thanks God all of us[revision group] all pass Xp
but the comp payment was on 'ME' !@#!$%^$%$@
after that we go having our brunch in Wangsa,
arrh... then is my time to 'deliver on my promise' come out RM50 treat them for movie.
lolx 'the pain of my wallet' muahahaha~
haiz... really need start exercise =='
because this morning Broga morning walk with hanyew,
just walking up to the hill then cause me exhauseted.
erm... thanks God blessed me on the result again.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
wow.... soon, my Year 2 Sem 2 gonna start XD
this sem holidays really boring... just go yumcha, shopping, breakfast and sing K... with my friends.
but is happy also cause at least can be with them lolx...
and bery jealous that my brother go HK during my holidays and i can't follow... arrh... Xp
arr... i thought during this holiday can go Melaka with my housemates.. haiz
due to my grandma just pass away is not good that stay in my friend's house.
yup, finally the stress of PRST ended, second semester exam i think is the most challenging period for me.
because during my exam time, my grandma pass away and i still have 2 papers haven't take yet.
luckily the timetable able to let me run back to Perak and come back to KL the next day to take my last paper MNG.
so i decided after my Monday paper then straight go to Pudu Terminal buy a ticket then back to Perak.
then the next day after my grandma funeral service end then follow my family back to KL.
rushing time haha~
for the last semester exam what i can pray? all pass in C then can le haha~ nothing esle.
for the last semester i need thanks to my friends... Mr.JJ, Mr.Sky, Ms.Pohlee, Ms.AhYim, Mr.KS...
thanks for helping me in the last few sems... and for the future 2 semester...haha
if without them i don't think i can stay in college till now, thanks for revision with me, thanks for guiding me.
and for my lovely housemates, thanks them shared the space to us do revision during the important period.
sorry for the disturbing...
my wish.. all my friends/housemates can pass all the subjects.
next week new semester gonna start, a brand new challenging time waiting for us, all the best in the new semester.
Monday, August 31, 2009
马来西亚有一个种族主义的条文‘Ketuanan Melayu’中文译为‘马来人至上’
Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
today, the last presentation for this semester.
so fast, this semester gonna end already,
time really "gone" so fast arr....
for me this semester is the most "tough" semester,
just the PRST already driving me crazy,
just hope i can pass this paper in this semester. haiz~
why so stress on it???
because my assignment marks not good
my group assignment marks not good
my mid-term marks not good
my make good marks not good!!!!
that's why i stressssss!!!! i can't imagine what "marks" i'll get in my final exam!!
besides, there are few more subjects also very difficult to score "good" marks~
maybe this semester i need "bungkus" le arr~ haha
this semester full with stress!!! after exam must go "relax"!!! haha
To my friends who taking exam: ALL THE BEST & GOOD LUCK!!!
Labels: assignment, college, exam
Saturday, August 1, 2009
日期:30 October 2009 (星期五)
时间:9pm ~ 3am
地点:Prince Hotel Ballroom(5stars hotel) Prince Hotel KL Map
- 会邀请著名的DJ
- tibits and fruit punch free flow
- dancers... (very hot)
- pop music, disco lighting will be set up in the ballroom
- 免费化妆(免费帮你扮丑丑)
- games
- prizes (packages of hotel prince and Afamosa, t-shirt and others)
- 派对会场是禁烟的/no smoking
~有兴趣的或有什么想问的可以在这里回复或pm我或call 我~
面交地点:TARCollege Main Campus
Melati Utama
Metro Kajang (两张以上我才会去送,因为我只是帮朋友卖票而已,没有得到任何的commision,如有不便敬请原谅)
Wangsa Maju Jusco (五张以上我才会去送,因为我只是帮朋友卖票而已,没有得到任何的commision,如有不便敬请原谅)
~更多的详情/疑问,你可以拨打传单上的号码或call or message 我014-9310492 Mainson~
Thursday, July 23, 2009
arrh...long time din update my blog already, last week no time update because i'm busy fighting with my assignments.
after rushing the assignment and school programs should be happy/relax...but...i feel very very moody.
because of some problems happened make one of my best friend "away" from me, and i have no idea what can i do for this. and dunno which side i should be stand... lord please lead me to the right way.
is very hard to maintain a relationship, sometimes not just your personal problem break up this relations, it might cause by other problems. arr... maybe different minded also cause the relations become like this... haiz
is very fun that how i met this friend, just because we "fight" when we study in secondary school, then after this "incident" we become friend.
i knew him about 8~9years, very long period of time right haha. we play together, study together??? go church together, flirting girl together and...
but when finish secondary school he haven't continue his study, he chose the way to work, and i chose to continue study.
but after graduated almost every weekend we still will come out have a drinks...after 1 or 2 years one of a member in gang go japan for further his study,
and we joined another group of friends, is very happy to join this new gang of friends because i can met more friends, and also can learn many new things from them.
arrh... since the "problem" happened i felt that is very very difficult to become a friend like before.
but i still will try my best to rebuild this friendship i hope we can be like the old days, play around the world together.
Labels: friendship, moody
Sunday, July 12, 2009
arrh....busy week ...
finally finish my third assignment, and Monday gonna submit my fourth assignment...
what a busy week for me, but really enjoy.the first time i go for TT night(talent time night), the first time i be a crew,
first time wear "damn" black go to school haha,
what i doing during that night? okiezzz i'm a kelefei during that night,
my jobs just stand in the middle and block the students from student seat to vip seat, that's all haha.
before the show start, my friend/housemate and me playing a little trick at the back, just a one minute trick i think haha.
the questions marks might be appear on my friends head.. why they 3 guys become a crew??? haha
the answer is this year might be the last year for us, and when we having our afternoon tea we make a decision to be a TT crew this year,
then after some networking process, we became a crew. haha
after the busy night, the next day...we having our first mid-term,
the first time i step into the lecture hall for that subject is just for midterm... stupid right?
when saw the paper, omg!!! stress... because dunno how to answers.
but at least i got answers.
after finish the paper then i went to canteen, and wait for my friend.
this time be another events crew as a helper for SBS sport carnival.
same answer very fun, although not my school sport carnival as i learned many things during the carnival.
the sports i helped on was basketball, the matches run for 3days.. felt exhausted those three days...
after the carnival i helped... i got a presentation on the next day.
after the presentation, i got an assignment need to be submit but still haven't start do yet.(rush till midnight)
after submit the assignment, the same day i got a debate for "exam should be abolished!" and I'm the opposition.
busy but enjoy, tired but happy! as i really start feels what is college life.
Sunday - TT night
Monday - sport carnival
Tuesday - sport carnival
Wednesday- sport carnival
Thursday - presentation
Friday - assignment deadline + debate
Saturday - sleep whole day
haha~ what a wonderful week...
Labels: assignment, college, sport carnival, TT night
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
just subscribed a new Digi sim pack, when i check the rate... really "gao lak"~haha
and this package no expired date for 4years... damn "chun" right...
but i will continue use my current phone num, so u guys no need delete my num change to new one.
but maybe next week or this weekend i will go change my current num to maxis... because if i carry 2Digi num... really stupid haha.
arrrh.... need rush for my assignment as tons of assignment waiting for me.
just open this post to share this information to my friends.
till today i already spends around RM100, just the third day of this week... need save more money arr...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Michael Joseph Jackson a.k.a. Michael Jackson(August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)has passed away...
when i get this news i thought just a "JOKE"... cos i heard MJ just sign a contract for 50shows in England and still haven't start yet, but after few minutes searching for the confirmation of this news... i found that the news is truth.
i can still remember the first time i listened MJ song was in neighbor's house, the first MJ song i listened was "beat it", this song was written and composed by MJ.
and start learned the way MJ dance... robot dance and moonwalk were my favorite.
MJ you are a great music maker,and dancer,rocker and you're a legend,greatest legend the world has ever seen... may god bless your soul.
MJ you're the king of pop and always will be! although your body is no longer with us but your soul and memory will live on forever!!
"you rocked the world!!!"
Labels: michael Jackson, R.I.P.
Friday, June 26, 2009
this post using chinese because is difficult to write down in english hahaha~
我们都会发现, 人生不是我们想象中的简单,也不想象中的完美,所以我们需要朋友补我们的不足。
Labels: friendship
Thursday, June 25, 2009
<17> what a nice movie!!! another movie that worth to watch in the cinema.
"results" OMG, flying colors??? won't happen hahaha~
Labels: 17 again, crazy, result, secondary school, stupid
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Labels: assignment, buddha, college, crew-ly[cruelly], ignorance is bliss
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
11-6-1009 (thursday)
after the magic performance in the afternoon...
annual dinner for Melati Utama PV5 A-19-19 start...
this time my lovely house leader LCL fully sponsered for this dinner, thanks LCL...
we ordered 5 different flavor of pizza from domino, very delicious and good.
housemate keep changing, the next will be me??? haha
time really gone so fast, this year is the third year i live in this house,
erm... for sure that i got many friendly housemates, if compare with others i sure that my housemates were the best haha...
how i found this house? walking down the street of TARC then saw a flyer paste on the "tiang" haha,
the first time i came was together with howyin, huasheng, jiaying and howyin's family, and after few minutes of discussion then confirmed stay here^^
no regret for this decision, although the fees quite expensive with the first house leader but worth right now, because the house leader right now very very nice...
this maybe the last year i stay here, must enjoy the time that stay at here haha...
13-6-2009 (saturday)
long time planning??? no lah... hehe
my housemates plan to come sg.chua having lunch and a small trip to semenyih,
this plan make me headache as semenyih and kajang don't have any places for tourist arr...
so MR.Kuan bring them go sg.chua having the most famous local food for lunch,
omg... after viewing the photo and start hungry right now haha.
so after having our delicoius lunch, i bring them go a historical chinese temple wich in broga,
the view quite nice, and we captured many photos that day,
after captured few photos, then only realized that only me from SSSH... omg they all from SBS, so one of the photo just me alone...
this the first time i bring so many friends go semenyih, 4 from Sabah, 2 from melaka, 1 from puchong(MR.Kuan friend) and 2 from Kajang,
although just a short time we spended, but is very memorable for me...
14-6-2009 (sunday)
because of this day, i become more "man" haha... because i getting more dark,
what makes me become more dark? after the sunday service, me and my friends help church make few parking lot,
me and friends become JKR, working under the sun, but is also worth lah, because we learned new skill >make parking lot< haha
nothing much can share on this day haha, just become more dark that's all.
but really tired after this "construction" my legs very very pain and till now also very very pain... i think need few days for recover.
really old le haha, just few hour for standing, kneels down, Squatting down, standing, kneels down, Squatting down.... then start says pain
need do more exercise le... and diet liao... cannot become more fat hehe...
Labels: annual dinner, broga, church, kajang, melati utama, semenyih, sg chua
Monday, June 15, 2009
last week the first time perform as officially, damn scare and nervous..
need say sorry for YikHeng first,cos some mistake happened...
this is the third time we play tricks in public, but this time totally different compare with previous one...
because this time all the top management members of college, Datuk Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and many reporters sitting infront of us,
what mistake happened? the first trick i present was swallow balloon, when perform this trick i feels ok and no nervous at all,
but when i prepare to play the second trick, i start nervous, then the mistake happens, if the stage covered i think i can re-prepare, but due to the stage was not covered
therefore i need to cut down this trick... haiz
Yik Heng please forgive me, i promise next time will be OK~
if next time who want find a "affordable" magician to play tricks in their party for around ten minutes,you can find us. haha
the best price will be given and negotiable. contact me or yik heng.
arr... i still haven't start do my assignment, next friday gonna submit...
need fully enjoy my college, this year maybe my last year in college, after that i need start my new life.
May God bless me right now and my future, lead me to the right way.
ps* enjoy the show, don't think the tricks...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Labels: crew-ly[cruelly], dreaming, moody
Thursday, May 28, 2009
finally my result released, not so good but is ok for me.
all pass, clear all Year1 subjects go year2 that's what i want, what i prayed for.
gratz my friend Hong get 2As this time, and dun LCLC haha... and others who get better result than me remember treat me yumcha haha
thought today will go back to college, due to personal problem i din attend today hehe,
erm... tomoro might be the first day i go to school in this semester.
sienz, friday need study till 7pm damn late arr... reached home around 8pm~8.30pm
ohya~ today is rice dumpling festival wish all Happy Dumpling Festival!
maybe many of you forgot or haven't heard the story of rice dumpling festival..
this is the story of rice dumpling festival...
Duan Wu Jie is a widely celebrated festival amongst the Chinese, to pay respect to the patriotic poet, Qu Yuan (pronounced as Chue Yuan). The legend involves a really long and complicated throne-fighting war and political history. But to make a long story short: Qu Yuan was an important minister back in Chu Kingdom in ancient China. He had been known for his loyalty for the emperor of Chu, and loved his country greatly. However, His Majesty had not taken Qu Yuan's advice seriously, and he eventually got himself trapped and captured in a foreign land by his enemies, which then lead to his own death.
Sad and angry at the corrupted, dying Kingdom, Qu Yuan tied himself to a big rock and threw himself into the River of Puo Luo. The people then made rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves and threw them into the river. They believed this would stop the fish from eating Qu Yuan's body. Some would even row down stream in a boat, beating drums and shouting out loud in the hope to scare the fish away (it was believed that it is how the Dragon Boat event is related to the festival.
Since then, the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese calendar has been set as Duan Wu Festival to remember the incident. Although there were versions of legends and stories that indicate Duan Wu has existed way before Qu Yuan's death, the tradition still carries on.
The rice dumplings (ZongZi) are glutinous rice (or sticky rice in some countries like Thailand and Hong Kong) wrapped in bamboo leaves, or other large leaves (lotus is one of the more commonly used leaves). You can find all sorts of different fillings in the rice: pork, roast pork, chestnut, egg, salted egg, mushroom, red bean, or just simply without filling. They could be just white rice dumpling (not pre-fried), or brown (pre-fried with soya sauce).
Nowadays, you can buy Zongzi almost everyday of the year, in restaurants or hawker stores in most oriental countries such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore, and other Asian countries where large amount of Chinese reside.
Labels: college, result, rice dumpling festival
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
first, i wanna gratz jia ying that she can graduate... and dun lcly haha...
second, i need to find new roommate, because my roommate wan move out, so if who wan become my roommate or your friends finding a room in Melati Utama please find me haha...
my result will release tomorrow, damn panic/cold-feet/scare right now, hope i can pass all subjects
clear all subjects go to year two.
as usual i still haven't go back to school, as my tutorial only start next week haha, but tomorrow i will go back for 2 hours because i got tutorial...WTH haha
so tomorrow will be the first day i go to school in my DPR year2...
and i need prepare money for my school fees, after this payment then i really PK liao haha...
nothing left in my account after this payment.
and all PR students please go this new bloggie tarcpr.blogspot.com some information of our course will be post out in this bloggie, go and support bah~
thatz all i gonna share today, tomorrow may be will show out my results haha~ stay turned
Labels: college
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
so fast, our trip over today, after packing our stuff then we go having our breakfast,
in the photos u can found 4bowls of mee on our table again ...WTH
this time hanyew solo 2 bowls haha.
after that we continue the way to komtar, as we need to wait our bus there.
so lucky while on the way to komtar, we found a shop that selling the cookies that jason want to buy as souvenir.
when reached the office, we go check our tickets and wait.
about 30minutes our bus come and three of us go into the bus.
wow, just 7 people inside the bus haha, then the bus go to terminal sg. nibong
erm....maybe they want pick up another passenger...Whatever, because no body come in the bus haha.
during the way back to KL, the bus driver stop the bus beside the road and told us that the bus had some problem.
so that 3 passenger transfer to another bus, so the bus left our three haha...
you can found what stupid thing we had played on the bus in the video.
so at last we also transfer to another bus back to KL.
what i gonna said on this trip/journey haha...
very fun and happy, although happened some ...hehe, but is ok...so sry that if i done anything wrong.
thanks hanyew's sister booked tickets for us,
thanks hanyew's mother sent me and hanyew to KTM station
thanks jason spare some time for this trip...
thanks jason treat me and hanyew for foot massage hahaha...
thanks GOD that we safe.....
for me, this trip was success... hope can go next time with you guys again.
all the best in new semester and your "business" Jason haha.
Labels: penang trip
Sunday, May 24, 2009
third day...
today, we gonna go JLN CY Choy to have our breakfast then go 3 temple and having our lunch+dinner in gurney drive.
so, early in the morning we prepared to start our "journey" haha...
on the way to JLN CY Choy, we need to cross a "pasar"... and start "jalan-jalan cari makan".
first thing we ate that day was "tao fu fa" just cost RM0.60, WTH damn cheap right? where can we found this price in KL haha...
then we ate on the road haha, during the time we enjoying our "tao fu fa" hanyew found a special food beside the stall, after some discuss, we ordered one bowl called "dried oyster porrige"
just a direct translate, don't blame me if i wrong haha.
so when finished, we continue walk to JLN CY Choy, we walk about 30minutes++ haha, finally reached the "kopitiam".
as usual, in this "kopitiam" hanyew and jason ate 3bowl of meeeeee... damn 7 geng right haha...
after that we walk back to Komtar take bus go to the first temple as we planned.
nothing much can share on this three temple, we just go there and pray pray pray only haha.
after that we walk to gurney drive(seaside), hanyew and jason start playing "sand", when they finished then we go gurney plaza,
a shopping mall held beside the sea, and we watched "star trek", this movie quite nice, worth to watch.
after watching then we go gurney drive "cari makan" we ordered many foods i think we spends RM50++ haha...u can found the food we ordered and some food still haven't come yet.
finally we "disappear" all food wahahaha... then we go bus station and go back to komtar. really "chiak bao bao and chiak liao liao"
because jason gained "something" so we go foot massage hehe... thz jason
at night we nothing can do so we go to jelutong seaside and having supper dunno at where(my bro bring us go de)
so that's the third day... (for further information please find one of us)
more photos can be found in my friendster and i uploaded the penang trip clip to youtube ^^
Labels: penang trip
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
the second day, early in the morning we having our breakfast at our guesthouse, after that we taking bus infront of our guesthouse,
the staff working in our guesthouse told us we need to take rapid penang 203 to Kek Lok Si.
while on the way to kek lok si, we captured some photos, about 30minutes we arrived kek lok si, then we go pray.
erm, actually nothing much can share on this place haha. more photos have been uploaded in my friendster, go see and leave some comment bah.
we spend about 2 and half hours in kek lok si, then we go having our lunch under the kek lok si, we ordered char kew tiew, har mee and asam laksa.. all penang famous foods
after that we go back to the bus station wait for the bus go penang hill.
i think we wait more then 30minutes for the bus, Rapid Penang should solve this problem cause we will till get mad lolx...
when we at penang hill, the counter that sells ticket has been closed, What the Hell, and they announced that we should wait 1hours to get on the cabin =="
so we keep waiting, captured some photos, minum teh... until the staff told us that we need wait inside the platform.
nice view can be saw on penang hill, and we saw a show on there. but nothing special on penang hill.
after that go back to bus station and wait for the bus back our guesthouse.
the last place we want to go is Guan Ying Ma temple, this temple quite historical, as usual we go and pray again haha.
then we back to our guesthouse and watch badminton match Malaysia VS China. at night because we damn free so we walked to the Jetty take Ferry.
this is the first time that i go take ferry with friends by walking on board.
so this our second day in penang trip. (for further information please find one of us.)
Labels: penang trip