Friday, February 13, 2009
A valuable souvenir for me, not a expensive things just a simple, cheap post card...haha
why i will get this for my souvenir? this got a long story on it haha.
before Chinese New Year i had gathered with some friends that almost 2years come out "yumcha", then he told me that he will go Korea during Chinese New Year, so he asked us what we want to get from Korea as souvenir, then i told he i don't want chocolate, t-shirt or others things because that may be made in China haha, so i told he i want a post card as my souvenir that mailing from Korea to Malaysia, that's the "thing" i want.a post card, why valuable and memorable?
is easy find a post card in Korea, but if i want to get it by mailing from Korea to Malaysia, that is a difficult thing for my friend, he needs to find a post card then go post office buy a stem with the weird English(Korea) haha, that memorable isn't it?
after this maybe i will ask other friends that go others country send a post card for me from that country... that will memorable for me and you...
so remember my friends get me a card as my souvenir.
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