Friday, February 13, 2009
A valuable souvenir for me, not a expensive things just a simple, cheap post card...haha
why i will get this for my souvenir? this got a long story on it haha.
before Chinese New Year i had gathered with some friends that almost 2years come out "yumcha", then he told me that he will go Korea during Chinese New Year, so he asked us what we want to get from Korea as souvenir, then i told he i don't want chocolate, t-shirt or others things because that may be made in China haha, so i told he i want a post card as my souvenir that mailing from Korea to Malaysia, that's the "thing" i want.a post card, why valuable and memorable?
is easy find a post card in Korea, but if i want to get it by mailing from Korea to Malaysia, that is a difficult thing for my friend, he needs to find a post card then go post office buy a stem with the weird English(Korea) haha, that memorable isn't it?
after this maybe i will ask other friends that go others country send a post card for me from that country... that will memorable for me and you...
so remember my friends get me a card as my souvenir.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
kulim trip... cancel already. why? because i wan save some money for SEM3 break trip... that might be located at Pulau Penang and i want more money for my graduated trip(don't know can graduate or not haha)... may be i'm a big thinker haha, where i plan to go? Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, China, Taiwan or Japan... my budget is around RM5000, my friend told me RM5k can go london for 4days 3night but stay in YMCA hostels...
yup, my plan was sleep at YMCA hostel or some others "affordable hostel" not hotel, then i can save more money right haha, still finding friends can go with me, or may be will go with some friends in internet.
before i go i must planned properly, do many research on that place for the main purpose "save money". become a backpacker? i think can't haha, as i didn't try before... may be i can learned something in SEM3 break trips. why not going to western country? not the financial problem, just because i want go some where that i wish to go.
or may be i just use the RM5k to pay for the loan... just depend on the right time do what i should do...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
today, nothing special happened on me, same as yesterday watching movies at home.
the movies i chose were "Ocean's", after i watched these movies i had to comment on its.
the first one Ocean's Eleven, this movie was great, the cast almost the big movie star Clonney, Pitt and others... the story about Clooney together with his friends plan to rob three Casinos in Las Vegas, why he do that so? watch yourself... haha
the story was well planned, something that we can learn from this movie friendship, trust, and love. Remember the last post i mentioned about sacrifice for family? so in this movie we can found out sacrifice for true love. Danny Ocean can sacrifice for his wife for the purpose of get his
wife back, tells his wife who the one really cares about her.
well, because of the story i must watch Ocean's 12 and 13, but after i saw i felt a bit disappointed, may be the problems were lack of the ideas, nothing new and special happened, but in others way those actors were well played in the movies.
last comment on the movies is "must have a new idea in Ocean's 14(don't make me disappointed again)" so tomorrow may be will find another well-known movie to watch, really nothing can do during the holiday.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
tomorrow the last day of Chinese New Year (元宵节) for this year...
can't believe that the time gone so fast... why i haven't planned my holidays before the holidays start??? 3days i had been wasted... doing nonsense things at home...
movie, drama, fun shows...that's what i did in that 3days...
after i finish watched all of the Harry Potter movie two words for J.K. Rowling "good job",
what a nice stories written out by you, where u get those idea haha...
after these movie, i will watch GodFather 1,2 and 3 tomorrow or.... i love the story as the GodFather can sacrifice everything for his family..that's called LOVE. "I WILL DO THAT SO"
i believe that not many people watch these movie before, but is good for us although the stories were about MAFIA.
tomorrow will be another day that do the same thing haha...
my wishes on this brand new year are peaceful around me, financial problem can be solve, passed all subjects and most important HEALTHY(families and friends)... hehe
so fast our college already published our SEM3 tuition fee, not much, just about RM420...boring, boring and boring... hope the "big plan" can be on in next SEM break,
due to my "big plan" i must save lot of money, so start from next SEM i won't go clubbing often i think haha...
tonight "Lao Shang" with my father's Friends, quite different with others as we use papaya and mango on it... when i saw them the words "岁月不留人" many of them getting old and older, maybe i will become like that in the future haha. I like the friendship between them, maybe some conflict between them, in new year the won't too care about it haha...just let it passed my friend.
that's all for today, and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all my lovely Friends.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
phewwww.......finally finished my exam
so set me free now haha, what i had done after my exam??
the answer is go clubbing with my classmates and friends...
already long long time ago that we want clubbing together, this time we lost something and we gained something right...
before we go for clubbing, my lovely friend "poh lee" told me that she don't want go clubbing, i asked why, then the answer she given out was "clubbing not fun, what she can do in the club?"
so pohlee did you get fun in the club?? haha, remember give me the answer.
unbelievable that i haven't drunk in that day haha,
i thought i will be drunk in that night because i already didn't sleep well about 2days for preparing my 2papers... and i not feeling well in that day...
this is the first time that i clubbing with my classmate...because must got a problem occur when we want to go...
whatever, we had a fantastic night, having liquors...dancing with girls... that's my life haha~
Happy Holidays my frenz~~~
mainson back to blogging life??? is that true?? what the hell?
yup, is true, mainson is back to blogging life.
blogging like a virus that infecting my friends... so i also infected by them.
someone said: blogging is a trend, you don't follows means you outdated.
Oh my god, mainson can't outdated right... so i re-open my blog...Jesus Christ, Chinese New Year will be end in few more days,
what i had done during Chinese New Year...
my friends using lot of time in planning program, gathering or gambling....(facing with money)
but when they facing the money on their hands; i facing my notes on my hands,
why the notes on my lucky hands, not the lovely money?
Because 2 exam paper is waiting me after the Chinese New Year(main days)...
so i needs use lot of time to preparing for this 2 papers... revision with my ex-classmates and classmates...i had learned many things in those days, and "lao shang" with my friends...
someone will say what a waste that used lot time in study while Chinese New Year...
i won't regret as i do that so, because i'm fighting for my future.
what a big different in this Chinese New Year??
just only one big Change, that is i haven't join the party the set up at my home when "nian chu ba(pai tian gong)"
forget about that, i was glad that i was invited by my friend to the Chinese New Year dinner that placed in JUMBO. Very happy as i met up with some pretty girls in that dinner... having liquors, red wine and sparkling juice with delicious dishes.
quite happy that i had gathered with some old friends that been lost contact about 2 years.
So, don't stop it my friends, make it annually and up to 5++ tables next years... and waiting your invitation.
oh ya, ONG family got a new member... my grandma's great-grand child.
a very cute and chubby baby. My grandma so happy when she hugging the youngest child in our family.
Happy Chinese New Year My friends!!!