Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ah Beng: Daddy daddy, when i big ahh.. i wan become lawyer la!
Daddy: Why? Law very hard and quite boring wan wor...
Ah Beng: aiyor.. where got? easy only la.. when the case cannot solve hor.. u just say OPEN VERDICT la.. then done edi lor..
Daddy: Oh yea lor horr.. there a recent teoh beng hock case also lai that.. AH BENG.. u so smart! Proud to be your daddy! ^^

Insipired by Mainson Ong, Story by Kuan Yik Heng

‎1+1=3... Kanak-kanak ''TADIKA'' pun tau jawapan ni dah salah, tapi juga ada org tidak setuju dgn jawapan ni dan guna selama beberapa bulan utk menyiasat dan akhirnya bagi jawapan "open verdict"!!!

by Mainson Ong

these the story were appeared in my mind after i read the news of Teoh Beng Hock, deepest condolence for Teoh's family. So sorry that i can't drop a single help for you guys, but i will keep support u guys, follow the news and give 'cyber-support'!!'



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